When the going gets tough, the tough start napping

I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?-Ernest Hemingway

I can admit my addiction. I use it to feel better, to get away from my problems, to ignore homework, to deal with stress, and sadness and everything in between. My addiction to sleep has been the best vice offered to me in my life.

It is completely natural for the body to protect itself through sleep, to heal itself through sleep. Everything can be cured through a good laugh and a long nap. I have never had an experience when this wasn’t the case.

Got a bad grade, got dumped by your boyfriend/girlfriend, something terrible happened, did something terribly embarrassing at the bar last night? TAKE A NAP. SLEEP IT OFF.

I guarantee you when you wake up things won’t seem as bad and you’ll feel much more able to handle the situation or feeling that your facing. Besides we can’t make things worse while we’re sleeping…as long as we do so in our own beds, alone, and we don’t have any sleep talking/walking habits.

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