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Finals Week Enthusiasm?

“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm”-Winston Churchill

During finals week there is nothing more true than this. With each test we enter into let’s forget the one that went before it.

So what you got a 34 on your chem exam…it happens. Doesn’t mean you can’t totally rock your History one. Pump yourself up and make sure to tell yourself you got this, you are going to totally kill it on this test.

Up until 2 a.m. doing a study guide? Haven’t slept more than 4 hours in 4 days? It’s all good. After that last test and winter break is here we all know that sleeping is all you will be doing.

So make your coffee and forget about doing your makeup because it’s finals week and it’s time to put in the hours that you should have been doing all semester.


Is the benefit > the cost?

“You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world…but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.” John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

Tonight I watched A Fault in Our Stars. And AFTER I finished sobbing (I read the book I KNEW how it would end already…still cried) and thinking about the great love of Augustus and Hazel I realized the great brilliance in the writing.

This quote is one of my favorite lines in the movie and I do not stand alone in this opinion. This quote emphasizes and builds off of previous things I have said about negative people in our lives, and it’s one of THE GREATEST lessons that we need to learn.

Why do we insist on allowing ourselves to think that we need to allow anyone in our lives to cause us pain that do not cause us more happiness than that pain. We get to choose who we allow in our lives, yet for some reason we think we NEED to have specific people there, even if they do more harm than good.

But more than anything else this movie puts things in perspective.The pain that these two endure physically and emotionally are tremendous, yet they choose each other because they benefit, even after separated from their relationship. All the time, and obviously I am guilty of this also, we act as if the people who hurt us greatly with lies,cheating, and other foul behavior still have a right to be in our lives.

They don’t. We need to choose the pain that’s worth it. This movie shows that even a teenage love, one that is something between two people who genuinely love each other, care for each other, and want to see each other happy can beat the trauma of cancer and be worth putting up with the fear of losing your significant other EVERY day.

Let’s raise the standards higher and only allow those people in our lives that give so much good, we hardly mind the bad.


If you love it let it go

“You only lose what you cling to” -Buddha

Whether it is an item, a person, an idea, or a dream we cannot lose it unless we consider it something thats ours or that we need.

We need to learn to let go and to let things take care of themselves. So often we hold on to things so tightly that we wind up pushing them away and making them more of an obligation, and a job than something to enjoy.

When it comes to people why would we want to cling to anyone trying to get away? It’s an old story to hear about the person trying everything in their power to keep someone close as they keep trying to run away. Why do we continually want people in our lives that don’t want to be there?

Then how about goals…it’s important to have them. But when do we accept that if a path in our life didn’t work out well for us, and a dream we thought would become a reality didn’t turn out that way, that it’s okay to let go?

LET IT GO. Let things happen the way they are supposed to, keep the door open for people to walk in and out, learn from any losses and continue on with the knowledge you have gained.

Our choices matter…

“I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.”- Eleanor Roosevelt

Too often do we like to blame our problems and our hardships on the people around us and the things that they do. If we get a bad grade it’s because the professor asked unclear questions. If we’re running late, it’s not because we didn’t leave early enough but because our mom asked us to put something in our mailbox.

One of the most valuable lessons that we have to learn (myself included), is that sometimes it really is our fault that things go wrong. It’s okay to make mistakes, but ya gotta own up to it.

But even more important is to learn that what we decide in the present moment will impact our lives tomorrow. And if we string together all those decisions you get a person’s character, who they really are.

We decide today who we are tomorrow. Scary as hell though when your a couple shots in and can’t think about decisions any deeper than should I make the second plate of nachos. Guess we’re just gonna have to make the best out of the situation at hand.

When the going gets tough, the tough start napping

I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?-Ernest Hemingway

I can admit my addiction. I use it to feel better, to get away from my problems, to ignore homework, to deal with stress, and sadness and everything in between. My addiction to sleep has been the best vice offered to me in my life.

It is completely natural for the body to protect itself through sleep, to heal itself through sleep. Everything can be cured through a good laugh and a long nap. I have never had an experience when this wasn’t the case.

Got a bad grade, got dumped by your boyfriend/girlfriend, something terrible happened, did something terribly embarrassing at the bar last night? TAKE A NAP. SLEEP IT OFF.

I guarantee you when you wake up things won’t seem as bad and you’ll feel much more able to handle the situation or feeling that your facing. Besides we can’t make things worse while we’re sleeping…as long as we do so in our own beds, alone, and we don’t have any sleep talking/walking habits.

Now for the Negative People

You don’t ever have to feel guilty about removing toxic people from your life.It doesn’t matter whether someone is a relative, romantic interest, employer, childhood friend, or a new acquaintance-You don’t have to make room for people who cause you pain or make you feel small…” -Danielle Koepke

Just like negative thoughts there comes a time to realize that we can control, and should control the negative people impacting our lives. Better yet, once learning that they are nothing but toxic, we should quit them COLD TURKEY.

There are so many things that we already cannot control in our lives. The economy, the weather, sometimes our health, and more. Accidents happen, sometimes we make mistakes or people we care about make mistakes that cause negativity to fall upon us.

But toxic people are those who drain us. They are the people that break us down, instead of building us up. Who needs them? Take a stand and decide that nobody will be allowed in your life if they don’t have a positive position there.

Wanna make my life a better place, filled with laughter and compliments, intellectual conversations and fun days, come on in. Wanna judge, fight, try to change me, or anything else that makes me feel bad? Stay far away. We don’t need any reason more than I just don’t like the way you make me feel to get rid of people in our lives, and in doing so we’ll be allowing ourselves the chance to control our own lives and happiness.

Elite Daily’s “The 10 Types of Toxic People That Mentally Strong People Avoid” list the following people
1)The Showoffs
2)The Unintelligent
3)The Leeches
4)The Lazy
5)Anyone Who Lives by the Saying “YOLO”
6)The Big Talkers
7)The Constantly Depressed
8)Those Who Stay Within Their Comfort Zone
9)The Non-Dreamers
10)The Non-Believers

Here’s the link to the article, definitely worth a read.