If you love it let it go

“You only lose what you cling to” -Buddha

Whether it is an item, a person, an idea, or a dream we cannot lose it unless we consider it something thats ours or that we need.

We need to learn to let go and to let things take care of themselves. So often we hold on to things so tightly that we wind up pushing them away and making them more of an obligation, and a job than something to enjoy.

When it comes to people why would we want to cling to anyone trying to get away? It’s an old story to hear about the person trying everything in their power to keep someone close as they keep trying to run away. Why do we continually want people in our lives that don’t want to be there?

Then how about goals…it’s important to have them. But when do we accept that if a path in our life didn’t work out well for us, and a dream we thought would become a reality didn’t turn out that way, that it’s okay to let go?

LET IT GO. Let things happen the way they are supposed to, keep the door open for people to walk in and out, learn from any losses and continue on with the knowledge you have gained.

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